I’m a Learner and a Business Leader who is passionate about digital disciplines to create unparalleled customer value.
Welcome to my tech blog, where I share my observations and learnings in IT strategy, data science, system design, digital transformation, and cybersecurity. Through my writing, I intend to share new ideas and contribute towards expanding the understanding of digital technologies that are rapidly shifting markets, business models, and workforces.

Blog Categories
Deep dive into the intricacies of business models and intentional strategy choices to gain competitive advantage through various examples.
Analyse cybersecurity concepts and approaches needed to increase cyber defenses in a highly networked world.
Seek a hands-on approach to data science through real-life applications, projects, coding examples, analysis, tips and relevant tools.
Insights and actionable tips on leadership, communication and creating a better workplace.
Review techniques for building scalable systems to meet user-specified needs through conceptual examples and case studies.
Stroll through the garden of creativity with my short collection of poems.
Use robust dimensional modeling techniques to build integrated data warehouse systems keeping a business-driven perspective.
Observations on miscellaneous topics in the world of technology with an eye on the future.
In today's digital era, where technologies intersect between industries and evolve continuously, effective management of IT is imperative to drive results. I continue to learn and expand my knowledge of various technology disciplines through academic study, peer learning, professional experience, and perspectives of other tech leaders. This blog strives to match my belief that constant learning, listening, and sharing helps us become better prepared to solve today's complex IT problems and deliver the end goal - Creating great customer value and attain market leadership.